Category Archives: My Quotes
when the mind thoughts are not in sync with what your heart wants, we become miserable.
A complete person is the one who has awareness in mind, Love in heart & purity in action. They act as a biggest support system to our lives. ( purity-good motives; action-speak,do.)
Focus on doing instead of how to
instead of doing we spend more time on how, how much time, whether i will be able to, how good i will be able to do, will i be rewarded for this. etc and less spend time on instead doing it. this is our ego mind, it constantly compares ourselves with others. this ego kill the fun in doing it. when we are in the state of love, we enjoy doing everything, it is because we have less ego in that state. having fun and joy doing things is the key. we should have fun in the process rather than in the results. so whats the solution, if we become aware of our thoughts we can guide our thoughts. if all those type of thoughts comes, you can give less importance to it and dont act on it instead focus on your current activity. second is to uproot it from the root, that is to bring love in you, if you do act of kindness or if you dont act on act of unkindness, Share, then love can come in you. or if you do some ego breaking process, then too you can come directly in the state of awareness
written on friday 25th may 2010 , 12:35 pm by Parth Choksi